Welcome to the Journey to the East page, where I map the process of my digital humanities project in collaboration with two other students from my Hacking the Humanities class. We plan to guide the viewer through a digital exploration of the journey that two Carleton representatives took around China from the years 1936 to 1939. By using ArcGIS and StoryMaps, the viewer will visualize their travels spatially and temporally.
Here you can find our group’s post that more specifically outlines our topic, tools, and timeline.
Interest and Goals
I am an Asian Studies major and Chinese minor. Through this project, I am interested in exploring the connection between Carleton and China. By using archival photographs, my group will combine historical information with present day tools. My goal in creating this presentation is to discover how to use these mapping tools to lead viewers through this journey. By visualizing the travels by these two Carleton representatives, we can further understand some of the historical connections between Carleton and China.
Progress Report (Week Nine)
My final project group has narrowed down the scope of our project to the travels in Sichuan Province. Each member looked at a group of letters written by one of the representatives, Domke, that are connected to photos taken in Sichuan. We added events and places mentioned in the letters that we read to a group timeline so that we could place the locations on a map together. Here is our progress report for the end of the eighth week. In the future, we plan to make a presentation with the photos, videos, and letters that we have accessed. Each of us will include the sections of the letters that we think add to the narrative. Our pieces of the puzzle will hopefully come together to create an interesting story of their travels in Sichuan.